Here You are,
Being You...
Or are you?
Being You is a constant unfolding of impulses and patterns.
Your unique value is constant beneath all of the patterns. Experiencing your value changes how you value others, how you move with them, and how you are moved by them.
Meet Yourself, In SE+AM
SE+AM is the felt-study of what wants to happen next.
SE+AM is a stitching together of:
Somatic embodiment:A practice of cultivating awareness and connection to the body as a primary means of experiencing, understanding, and engaging with oneself and the world. It involves being present in and through the body, recognizing it not just as a physical structure but as a dynamic, sensing, and intelligent part of the self that holds emotions, memories, creativity and wisdom. Somatic embodiment is both a therapeutic and creative practice.
Authentic Movement: An improvisational movement practice involving a mover and a witness. By relating to a bodily impulse the mover explores what movements want to happen in the moment, and how they relate to the impulses showing up. The witness is present to the mover’s exploration and noticing their own experience as a witness. In the practice, each person experiences both roles and has time to share and reflect on what came up with each role.

Get to know what wants to happen in your body.
Risking authenticity requires an intimate relationship with your impulses.
How they shape who you have become, move you through your life and keep you alive is worth getting to know.
Because in the cracks of your patterns is a lot more of you that wants to be known, to be seen, and to be valued.
When you practice being seen with that kind of regard, you naturally grow your capacity to reciprocate care and value.
It just happens.
Hi, I'm Weena...
I’ve been working and playing in the worlds of dance, movement training, and various somatic modalities in New York City since 1998. Now I work with folks all over the world via the magic of zoom and in person locally.
I am endlessly fascinated by the depth and simplicity of being with the small movements that are ignited by being with another person, and how movement patterning is an expression of our innate need for protection and connection.
My guiding light is about deepening the cultural value of our interconnected aliveness. I’m interested in what shifts our human-made systems toward that which protects, cares for and supports interdependence and the range of expressions of that connection.
SE+AM is about making direct contact with that internal, bodily-felt aliveness. Through that contact, that aliveness within ourselves and others becomes a compass for our choices in our lives, relationships, and in the world. I’d love to see you in session!

Experiencing something new is not
the same as learning a NEW path to experience.
Experiencing something new is not the same as learning a NEW path to experience.

We can talk about our stuck patterns and how we want them to change for years, but experiencing our patterns in our bodies, as they show up, in real time with other people creates the tangible shift we are seeking.
By experiencing the emergence of a pattern in a felt way during this practice, we have the opportunity to explore what else is there, what other options exist, and over time we can play with with them, relate to them differently, and move beyond the default pattern.
Our brain tells us, with all of the information it holds, that we heal by knowing more.
Our body asks for simplicity and repetition.
SE+AM is simple. And worth repeating.
This work is available for anyone. You don’t need to know anything in particular before practicing. Come to the work as you are.
What unfolds over time is at the pace of the body and deepens with practice.
Explore the Risk of Inherent Value and the Reward...
Being You, just as you are, can feel like a big risk.
The idea of being seen by someone not knowing what we are doing or who we are...changing our minds, exploring and trying, or even failing — feels (rightly so!) like a deeply risky place to be witnessed in.
Learning how to uncouple being who you are from that big risk feeling is possible when you explore being seen by a witness that simply values your aliveness.
When our moves and choices can emerge from a state of not knowing, we actively begin to rewire what is valuable. How cool is that?

SE+AM is for anyone curious about what actually moves us.
We grow complex and beautiful strategies for how we show up to each other. Our bodies are constantly being led by impulses towards safety and connection and away from potential harm. In SE+AM we explore what's in the way of authentic connection.
Practically speaking, SE+AM is offered through group workshops or individual and couples sessions online and in-person.
Sign up for a Introductory workshop to learn more and experience it for yourself.